Clan Information: BAY

Home Page:
Activity: 76.00%
Members: 1 active members (2 total)
Avg. Member Points: 4,735
Total Kills: 131
Total Deaths: 36
Avg. Kills: 131
Kills per Death: 3.64
Kills per Minute: 1.22
Total Connection Time: 0d 01:46:58h
Avg. Connection Time: 0d 01:46:58h
Favorite Server:* »» Strand only! // by [EU]
Favorite Map:* dod_strand
Favorite Weapon:* Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle

Clan Members

Rank Name Rank Points   Activity Time Kills Clan Kills % Deaths Kpd
1  GermanyFlieger Horst [BAY] elorank 4,735 0d 01:46:58h 131 100.00% 36 3.64

Player Actions *

Rank Action Achieved   Points Bonus
1 Headshot 42 times 210
2 Bomb Planted 34 times 204
3 Area Captured 33 times 198
4 Domination 10 times 100
5 God Like (12+ kills) 3 times 33
6 Double Kill (2 kills) 3 times 3
7 Domination (4 kills) 3 times 9
8 Mega Kill (6 kills) 2 times 10
9 Killing Spree (9 kills) 2 times 16
10 Unstoppable (11 kills) 1 times 10
11 Triple Kill (3 kills) 1 times 2
12 Revenge 1 times 5
13 Rampage (5 kills) 1 times 4
14 Ownage (7 kills) 1 times 6
15 Assist 1 times 2

Victims of Player-Player Actions

Rank Action Times Victimized   Points Bonus
1 Revenge 1 times -5
2 Domination 1 times -10

Team Selection

Rank Team Joined   Percentage of Times %
1 Axis 12 times 26.67%
2 Allies 10 times 22.22%

Role Selection

Rank Role Joined   % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 American Sniper American Sniper 10 times 40.00% 29 21 1.38
2 Axis Scharfschütze Axis Scharfschütze 7 times 28.00% 63 8 7.88
3 Random 3 times 12.00% 14 2 7.00
4 Axis Sturmtruppe Axis Sturmtruppe 1 times 4.00% 4 4 1.00
5 Axis Panzerschreck Axis Panzerschreck 1 times 4.00% 1 0 1.00
6 Axis Grenadier Axis Grenadier 1 times 4.00% 0 1 0.00
7 American Support Infantry American Support Infantry 1 times 4.00% 1 0 1.00
8 American Master Sergeant American Master Sergeant 1 times 4.00% 19 0 19.00

Weapon Usage

Rank Weapon Points Modifier Kills   Percentage of Kills % Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
1.50 56 42.75% 13 30.95% 0.23
Springfield Rifle with Scope
1.50 33 25.19% 8 19.05% 0.24
Thompson Submachine Gun
1.25 14 10.69% 8 19.05% 0.57
Colt .45 model 1911
1.60 12 9.16% 11 26.19% 0.92
MP44 Assault Rifle
1.35 4 3.05% 0 0.00% 0.00
Pistol 38
1.50 3 2.29% 0 0.00% 0.00
Pistol c96
1.50 3 2.29% 1 2.38% 0.33
M1 Garand Rifle
1.30 2 1.53% 0 0.00% 0.00
Mauser Kar 98k
1.30 1 0.76% 1 2.38% 1.00
U.S. Grenade
1.00 1 0.76% 0 0.00% 0.00
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
1.20 1 0.76% 0 0.00% 0.00
U.S. Issue Knife
3.00 1 0.76% 0 0.00% 0.00

Weapon Stats

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   Kills per Death Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
84 54 8,640 13 48 48.0000 64.3% 160.0 1.8
Springfield Rifle with Scope
22 14 3,120 8 14 14.0000 63.6% 222.9 1.6
Thompson Submachine Gun
247 23 1,362 7 13 13.0000 9.3% 59.2 19.0
Colt .45 model 1911
50 20 1,509 11 12 12.0000 40.0% 75.5 4.2
Pistol 38
27 8 310 0 3 3.0000 29.6% 38.8 9.0
Mauser Kar 98k
6 2 357 1 1 1.0000 33.3% 178.5 6.0
U.S. Grenade
2 1 118 0 1 1.0000 50.0% 118.0 2.0
Pistol c96
29 2 130 1 1 1.0000 6.9% 65.0 29.0
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
34 5 211 0 1 1.0000 14.7% 42.2 34.0
1 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0

Weapon Targets

Rank Weapon Hits   Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
54 13 35 0 2 2 2 0 7.4% 88.9% 3.7%
Thompson Submachine Gun
23 8 13 0 1 0 0 1 4.3% 91.3% 4.3%
Colt .45 model 1911
20 12 7 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% 95.0% 5.0%
Springfield Rifle with Scope
14 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Pistol 38
8 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 12.5% 87.5% 0.0%
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
5 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 20.0% 40.0% 40.0%
Mauser Kar 98k
2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% 50.0% 50.0%
Pistol c96
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0% 50.0% 50.0%
U.S. Grenade
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

Map Performance

Rank Map Name Kills   Percentage of Kills % Deaths Kills per Death Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
1 dod_strand 131 100.00% 36 3.6389 42 100.00% 0.3206